

Certificate Of Paralegals


In order to recognize and celebrate student success, the University of London International Programmes has introduced Achievement Awards. These will be awarded to undergraduate students with the highest aggregate mark in their first year of study with the University. The award will cover the costs of University of London fees in the student’s second year.

Students do not apply for these awards. The University will write to students in August once results have been released. Assuming they accept the award, recipients will have their 2014-15 continuing registration and examination entry fees waived by the University of London.

The degree programmes currently offered by THE ACADEMY OF TERTIARY STUDIES are awarded by the University of London. The University of London is truly one of the great universities of the world – a federation of 19 world-class Colleges and 10 specialised institutes, with more than 160,000 students.  Its reputation for high academic standards has been built on the outstanding teaching and research of its Colleges since 1836. For 153 years, University of London degrees have been accessible to students all over the world through the University of London International Programmes. Today, the The University of London International Programmes is truly international in character with over 50,000 students in more than 190 countries.

Academic direction for all of the courses offered through University of London International Programmed is provided by Colleges of the University. Academics at these Colleges develop the syllabuses, prepare the study materials, and are responsible for the assessment of International Programmes students. This ensure that the standard of awards made to International Programmes students are maintained at the same level as the standards of awards made to students studying at a College of the University of London.Upon successful completion of their programme of study, students receive a University of London degree.

The Academy of Tertiary Studies is a Registered Centre for the University of London International Programmes. This means that in the considered view of the University of London we have acceptable standards for the purpose of supporting students of the University of London International Programmes in preparing for their examinations.


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